24 de ago. de 2011

Queridos amigos,

Por favor, assistam este video gravado no nosso ashram de Londres no dia do Aparecimento do Senhor Krishna. Para aqueles que entendem inglês, esta palestra é imensuravelmente auspiciosa.
Eu vos suplico! Somente escutem sobre Krishna e ocupem sua mente, coração e alma com a doçura dos passatempos divinos.


Chaitanya Mayi Devi Dasi

15 de ago. de 2011

Real Identidade

"Sua identidade mais profunda está na consciência espiritual. A mente, as emoções e o corpo são meramente uma efêmera cobertura do eu essencial. Invista sua energia nele, pois tudo o mais decairá com o tempo."

8 de ago. de 2011


"Whatever we do we must do with sincerity, and that in itself will help to safeguard us. We must be sincere. Sincerity, humility, and tolerance are the necessary qualifications to receive transcendental knowledge. First is sincerity. With sincerity we can get everything, but we really must be sincere, otherwise the results will not come. An analogy has been mentioned that as good steel is necessary to make a good weapon, similarly real sincerity is necessary to make a real devotee. Sincerity is the steel of the devotee.
We must offer ourselves with our full sincerity. We shall also try to adopt the qualities of humility, tolerance, and giving honor to others."
Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj